The Valenzano Family

The Valenzano Family

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy Thursday

Man I can't believe it is already Thursday... we are in budget season at work and it has been CRAZY! Last week I attended the briss for our friends Michele and Hilly's son Max. I also took Alex to daddy's soccer game, this is the first one he has been to since he was about 3 months old. They had been doing construction at the fields and there had not been a good place for us to sit [aka, me chase Alex all over the place]. He had a blast running back and forth and finally figured out how to run and kick the soccer ball, now he is a pro and kicks his all over the upstairs.
Then for the weekend, we actually had a somewhat relaxing day Saturday, just errands and some pool time. Alex loves the pool... Then on Sunday, Michele [a different one than above] and Lauren and Scott came over for dinner. In the last 2 weeks I finally joined the world of facebook - my how addicting... but I have already reconnected with some friends from college that I had lost touch, which has been fun. Tonight we are very excited that Aunt Hilary and Uncle Glenn are coming in and we are going to have dinner together with Grandma and Grandad.
Next week my MOPS group gets started back up again, which I am excited about, and the following week is orientation for Alex school.

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