The Valenzano Family

The Valenzano Family

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Well a lot has been going on with us recently... though based on my lack of updates you may not have thought so...
Carl has a new job with The Erosion Company. He is doing well and liking it very much.
I resigned my position at and this is my last week.
I am going to take some time to be home with Alex for now and see what develops from there. I am very excited about having more time with him as he is really at a great age and learning so much each day. So for my SAHM friends, please remember to include me and Alex in play groups now :)
I have also agreed to be the co-coordinator for my MOPS group for next year, which I am sure will keep me very busy.


stacy said...

Enjoy being @ home with Alex!

Christy Odom said...

Too bad you live so far away, we could play!