The Valenzano Family

The Valenzano Family

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring is here

It has been a crazy beginning to spring. Easter was so early, but it was great. Alex saw his Easter basket right away and was very excited by it. Nana got him a soccer ball basket and he loved it. We went to church and had Easter lunch at my parents house with all of our cousins/aunts/uncles that live here in Atlanta. I will send out pictures soon. I think his favorite part of the day was playing peek-a-boo with his cousin Billy!
This last weekend, our neighborhood had it's kickoff event for 2008, our 2nd annual Walk and Talk. I am on the social committee so it was very busy trying to get everything planned and set up. The weather was not supposed to be good, but we lucked out and it was wonderful. Everyone enjoyed the walk and lunch. Alex was so happy to be outside, he is his fathers child for sure. He cried when we came in, even though we were out from 8:30 - 12. He had a great time playing with the other little ones out there.
This week Carl's grandparents are here to spend a few days on their way back to NY. Alex has loved spending some quality time with them and loves to try to climb and take Gigi's cane.
I was a complete klutz last night and reached over and grabbed a hot metal cooking sheet without the potholder that was sitting right in front of me and burned my finger. Typing with a blister is not fun today!
Alex is getting more and more mobile everyday, not only is he crawling everywhere, but he has started to let go and stand on his own for a few seconds. And last night he began to let go of the table and take a few steps towards either me or Carl and would squeal with delight.
He is also starting to hold his bottle a little and drink from his sippy cup. Of course the first one we bought he uses as a teether, then we bought the cheapest ones, and he took to them right away.
This weekend we are looking forward to Alex's friend Turner's 1st birthday party and Aunt Deb coming in town for the weekend. Like I said it is crazy busy!

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